Buyers should be able to choose merchandise produced by workers who are paid fair wages. HumanLabel™ will provide the trusted data they need.
Inquiries important to you (10-point scale) are the ethical practices of companies you buy products from?
The survey results were clear: Ethical buying is important to people.
Competitor Feedback
Respondent Wishlist
Conclusion: People want to be be able to easily compare companies on their ethical practices with a resource they can trust. There is a gap in the information market.
After careful competitive analysis, customer surveys, researching Google search data, creative ideation, and feasibility analysis, we have formulated a lean solution to make the greatest impact with the least initial overhead.
We have assembled a core team with passion for the cause and backgrounds in software design, investigative journalism, creative development, storytelling, filmmaking, and digital marketing.
Our results were very promising. We established a nonprofit entity, a vehicle for tax-deductible funding, and we trademarked the name.
Zach is a business strategist and developer/producer of content with a background in software design.
Matt is a research and creative operations specialist with a background running newspapers.
Short Order is a production house specializing in creative that audiences are actively seeking.
First Ascent is a digital marketing agency focused on email, search, and social.
Branding, Marketing, & Strategy — $35,000 Messaging, value proposition Identity, brandmark, style guide, voice & tone
Research & Data — $25,000 Database design, data-sourcing Staffing, investigation, writing, content suppor
Administration & Project Management — $20,000 Team and task management Financial administration, communications
Site Development & UI/UX — $25,000 Marketing site design/development Content engine, information architecture
Content Production & Distribution — $150,000 Strategy, creative, writing, production Social media management, email, SEO
Total Budget $ 250,000
We thank you for your time.
We are seeking funding and partnership from philanthropic foundations and individuals to make HumanLabel™ a reality and begin to scale its reach.
One year and $250,000 is enough to get HumanLabel™ off the ground. To date, we have self-funded and will not seek any reimbursement. All new funding will go toward the action plan.
We will be providing monthly updates.
We are excited by the prospect of you joining us in this important effort.